Aprende ingl?s con historias extremadamente graciosas - Extremely Funny Stories (5) + AUDIOLIBRO【電子書籍】[ Zac Eaton ]

Aprende ingl?s con historias extremadamente graciosas - Extremely Funny Stories (5) + AUDIOLIBRO【電子書籍】[ Zac Eaton ]

<p>*PROMOCI?N: EBOOK + AUDIOLIBRO (MP3) PARA ESCUCHAR EN TU REPRODUCTOR MP3 O PC</p><p>?Aprender ingl?s puede ser divertid?simo! Con las "Extremely Funny Stories" de Zac Eaton aprender?s ingl?s y te sumergir?s profundamente en ese famoso humor negro brit?nico cargado de iron?a. Y el audiolibro incluido te ayudar? a conseguir una pronunciaci?n perfecta. Cuidado: ?las “Extremely Funny Stories” pueden causar adicci?n! Esta serie continua de historias es algo que todo alumno de ingl?s que aprecie la diversi?n deber?a tener.</p><p>Some Reviews:</p><p>“The lady at Subway called an ambulance because she thought I was having an epileptic fit. I just could not stop laughing!”<br />George Lamberty</p><p>“You better sort your life out, Son”<br />Dad</p><p>“I fell off the toilet laughing. Mum had to help me up!”<br />Chris Schretzenmayr</p><p>“This stuff is so funny I could not pick up the book without laughing.”<br />Jay Scully</p><p>“Such an uplifting and light-hearted read, I nearly shit myself laughing.”<br />Harley Buck</p><p>This is the continuation of a journey of laughter, self depreciating humour and some seriously deep shit.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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